Tuesday 7 December 2010

On the subject of cameras

(see the 'Load. Take aim. And shoot' post below)...

...the 'I am Nikon' ad series features a sequence of captions e.g. "I am Don Juan", "I am brave," "I am alive", "I am a pocket zoomer".

It took me back to when I was 10 years' old and wrote a poem called "I am a camera"*:

I see a squirrel on the roof
I see a fat lady very aloof
I see a shop
I see a pond
I see a girl with a fairy's wand
I see a boy at a sweet stall
I see some children playing ball
I see some sums being done in a book
All this I see with one long look

And now, I am signing off, and feeling slightly embarrassed.

*Yes, I am that sad person who has kept a poem I wrote when I was 10!

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