Friday 3 December 2010

Load. Take aim. And shoot!

Just realised why Canon chose that name for their cameras. Der.

Their latest ad features the following slogan:

"Take more than pictures. Take stories."

It really works for me – in NLP* terms, people have a preference for Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic sensory inputs. That is to say, they like pictures, words or feelings. By combining a visual word 'Pictures' with an auditory word 'Stories', the slogan appeals to a wider audience.

Canon are also running a competition in association with The Guardian.

On the subject of competitions, I'm running one for December only, for subscribers to my newsletter only, to write a free slogan (usually £60+) when you send me your name, logo and USP. Sign up here.

P.S. If you're interested in NLP and how it relates to advertising, you might also like this post I wrote about Tone of Voice.

* Neuro-Linguistic Programming

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