Thursday 9 December 2010

2 reasons why people go to the Internet

I've written before that there are only two reasons why people go to the Internet. They are looking for information or entertainment (or a bit of both, as provided in this blog). So I was interested to re-read this passage in the book Illusions, by Richard Bach:

[Richard and Don, the reluctant messiah, have gone to the cinema to see Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in answer to Richard's question 'Why are we here?']

"...any people anywhere who go to any movie show, why are they there, when it is only illlusions?"
"Well, it's entertainment," I said.
"Fun. That's right. One."
"Could be educational."
"Good, it's always that. Learning. Two."
"Fantasy, escape."
"That's fun too. One."
"Technical reasons. To see how a film is made."
"Learning. Two."
"Escape from boredom..."
"Escape. You said that."
"Social. To be with friends," I said.
"Reason for going, but not for seeing the film. That's fun, anyway. One."
Whatever I came up with fit his two fingers; people see films for fun or learning or for both together.

Like cinema, people don't go to the Internet to be sold to (which is a challenge for those of us who do Internet marketing – we have to be so much more creative about the way we do it).


insurance quotes said...

i belive there are more resons.

Jackie Barrie, Writing Without Waffle said...

Thank you for your comment – I would be interested to know what other reasons you think there are?