Monday 25 October 2010

Every little helps? I agree.

I heartily approve of the Tesco Mobile 'no big ideas' ad, below. Instead of sponsoring racing cars, sporting events or major teams, they give back to their customers in the form of triple Clubcard points.

On the other hand, Nationwide Building Society sponsors the football. I wish they wouldn't. I'd rather they reduced the cost of borrowing or paid more interest.

Which would you prefer?

No Big Ideas - Just Triple Clubcard Points


Heather Kavanagh said...

I'd like Tesco (and Vodafone) to pay the billions in tax they're evading. That would help the whole country quite a lot, don't you think?

Nikki said...

It would be interesting to know how much it costs them to sponsor the football...

And if they didn't, would someone else? And if not, what would the effect on the sport be?