Tuesday 29 June 2010

Three thoughts on lasers

1. It was 1979. I was studying periodical journalism at the London College of Fashion in Oxford Street (now part of the University of the Arts), and there was much excitement each year at the switching on of the Christmas lights. This year was the first time lasers were to be used. I had previously been overawed by the twinkling of gold and silver Santas, of brightly coloured baubles, of sparkling stars, reindeers and presents. I was distinctly underwhelmed to see straight red lines whizzing down the road, not knowing the miracle was that the light didn't splay out as usual.

2. I played Quasar recently. Shooting my dancing friends with those straight red laser lines was sooooo much fun!

3. My dentist said he'd never use whitening gel on his own teeth, and that his optician wore glasses rather than risk laser treatment on his own eyes.

So why am I telling you this?

A prospective client rang me. He manages to attract enquiries via his website, but doesn't manage to convert them into paying customers. My colleague rang him back. The telephonist didn't know where he was, didn't know when he'd be back and couldn't take a message.

The moral of the story: You will never make all of the people like what you do, all of the time. But when you do manage to attract attention through successful marketing, make sure you have all the pieces and people in place to deal with the response.

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