Wednesday 14 April 2010

So sweet!

Watching the Muppet Wizard of Oz on TV over Easter with my little nieces, the youngest burst into peals of laughter when she saw this ad.

She's not exactly the target market to buy the product (although she probably uses plenty), but it was a moment of pure delight and, indeed, charm!


Robert Hempsall said...

I saw this in the cinema with my young daughter. I think it passed her by in her anticipation of the film, but my thought was 'why?'. Not 'why do a cute ad?', which it is of course, but why change the name of a product which is so well known. It's one of those things I've never understood.

Jackie Barrie, Writing Without Waffle said...

Thank you for your comment. There is a discussion about the name change on Marketing Week. I wonder if it was a condition of sale, as someone suggests?