Friday, 29 January 2010

Have you seen

the shampoo ad where the water delivery man plays with the salon client's hair? Instead of punching him on the nose when she realises he's not her hairdresser, she smiles at him.

He's just touched her without permission!

Anyone else think that's a dangerous message to send?

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Catty remarks are the new sponsors of America's Top Model. Each segment of the show is preceded and followed by talking cats (always one of my favourite things!).

One of them, a fluffy sealpoint persian, is licking its furry undercarriage as another cat asks: "What if we had a bikini shoot today?"

The reply is: "It's natural. It's retro. Deal with it."


Monday, 25 January 2010

A picture tells 1,000 words

I saw a poster advertising the new four-door Audi that "looks like a coupé".

It shows a white car against a snowy background with four sets of footprints leading away from the four doors in an X pattern. What it doesn't show is any tyre tracks.

The image tells a story:

Four people sit in a stationary car while an inch or so of snow falls. They then get out (all at the same time) and walk off in four different directions.

So what happened while they were in the car?

Answers on a postcard please.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

I like a pun as much as the next person,

but Paw Ridge porridge? I know they're trying to appeal to kids, but I think I'll stick with my Ready Brek, thank you very much.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Dealing with negative feedback

An employee posted a ‘Disgusting Domino’s People’ video on YouTube. It took Domino's 2 days to respond via social media, by which time 1m people had seen it and customer perception of quality went from + to – in days according to YouGov research.

The company had to act. The store was shut and sanitised, and staff were arrested. Now their video has gone viral.

Well done Domino's!

More than a new pizza recipe, it's a lesson in how to turn lemons into lemonade.

P.S. Ignore the cringe-worthy cheering: "Who are we? Domino's Pizzas!"
P.P.S. Convince people with numbers: "10 crust types, 15 sauces, dozens of cheeses."

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Clean and green

Bad news: My trusty old printer broke down
Good news: My friendly local IT guy thought he could repair it
Bad news: The part it needed was no longer available so it had to go to printer heaven (the tip > landfill)
Good news: New printers are cheap and I found one easily at my regular supplier
Bad news: Pound for pound, printer ink costs more than gold
Good news: The new printer prints with nice dense colours
Bad news: That means it uses ink more quickly
Good news: It needs separate cartridges for CMY and K so I don't have to replace a whole cartridge including leftover ink when just one colour runs out
Bad news: I seem to be replacing cartridges every 5 minutes
Good news: Compatible cartridges are available to save money on branded cartridges, and cartridges can be refilled and recycled to save waste
Bad news: Except Epson.

Naughty Epson. Black mark.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Talking nonsense

In the Uncle Ben's Express rice ad, the wife tells the husband to tell the rice he knows it doesn't have any additives, otherwise the microwave door won't open. Then she tells him to talk to the dishwasher.

I'm telling you, express rice might be a good idea, but the ad isn't.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

The power of positive thinking

Innocent Drinks, often held up as a pinnacle of marketing excellence, have launched a new ad campaign fronted by a bunny*. Through the power of visualisation, the rabbit materialises an Innocent smoothie in order to get its two-a-day and become healthier.

Cannily, they've also launched a funny Q&A Rabbiting-on website*.

I'm a big fan of positive thinking and of Innnocent. But what *is* it with rabbits? I seem to be haunted by them!

Read the back story on

* Warning: Click this link and you may be reading it for some time.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

School's Out!

No, I'm not talking about schools being closed due to today's UK snow. I'm talking about the Alice Cooper track, as used in the Coco Pops ad and also featured on the 'Jackie' compilation CDs my little sister gave me for Christmas.

Ah, nostalgia!

We used to feel like real rebels when it was played at St Anne's College discos! We weren't, of course. And neither is golf-playing Alice.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Pinky and Perky

No, not the little pigs. The winner of the perkiest presenter of the year to date is Martin McCutcheon, for her TLC Activia ad.

See it on the Activia website.

Monday, 4 January 2010

"I'm a muscle fan!"

The latest ad for Walkers features Gary Linekar in a muscle suit, along with other nudes. If only you could look that good naked by eating crisps!

Read all about the new campaign in the Mail online.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Cheesiest ad of 2010 award

I know it's only 1 January, but we already have a winner.

View the trailer for the cheesiest, milkiest, awesome-est cheestrings campaign: