Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Right place, right time

Picture the scene...

A hungover young man is walking down the road, looking a bit scruffy and feeling a bit rough.

A stranger comes running up to him and asks: "Would you like to appear in our advert? We'll pay you!"

They pick him up in a limo, drive him to the location, shoot all day and all night, then return him to his home in the limo and pay him £x,xxx.

It happened to the son of my dance teacher.

You can admire his performance in the Argos ad where all the guys rush to a petrol station to buy gifts at 23.59 on Christmas Eve. He's the one you glimpse holding a pair of sunglasses.

Ironically, it's his brother who's drama-trained and dreaming of telly stardom.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

"I wanna tell you a story"

We all love stories (witness the appeal of soap operas and gossip magazines). And Boots tell lots of different ones in their 'Secret Santa' TV ad.

It starts with the premise that men are no good at buying gifts – staff in an office each pick a name to buy a gift for. The men sit at their desks, clueless. The girls dance off to Boots to the re-recorded version of 'Here Come the Girls'. One buys tweezers for her colleague with a monobrow. Another wraps herself in festive paper. In desperation, a guy wraps up a stapler.

I love story-telling. And I adore this ad!

Saturday, 15 November 2008

In the words of Noddy Holder...

"It's Chriiistmaaaaas!!!"

Except that it isn't. It's the middle of November.

Not that you'd know it from the number of Christmassy ads that are around at the moment.

Still, at least they didn't start their Christmas advertising any earlier.

As far as I know, this year's Christmas is on 25 December as usual.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Ads that make me shut my eyes

"And that's what killed Richard."

That's the closing line of an ad about wearing a seat-belt. It explains that the initial impact didn't kill him. His body kept travelling but that didn't kill him. His internal organs kept travelling, and that's what killed him.

I've heard the script before. I've seen the ads before. I've also seen a real road accident. And I never want to see one again.

Sunday, 2 November 2008