Wednesday, 28 November 2007

An accident waiting to happen

For years there's been a massive poster at the Purley Way traffic lights with a cartoon of a crashed car, advertising a local repair service in case of a prang.

('Prang' – now there's a word that's not used very often!)

Some psychologists believe that thoughts are things, so I've always considered it a worryingly dangerous ad.

It's just been replaced by something completely different.

I wonder if the accident rate at that junction will change?

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

While on the subject of chocolate

Did you see this Galaxy spoof of The Devil Wears Prada?

If music be the food of love

Sorry, but Shakespeare was wrong. As everyone knows, chocolate is the food of love. But it can be matched with music.

For instance, last night's Co-op ad featured Belgian chocolate with the guitar music played by Johnny Depp in the film Chocolat. Subtle!

P.S. Watch the Cadbury's gorilla ad spoof.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

When I first heard about Saturday Night Takeaway*

I thought: "Wow, what an excellent idea! Grouping the ads into clusters, in the same way that viewers watch them! Linking the ads to particular TV shows as cross-promotion! Brilliant! Only commercial television could do it!"

Then I realised the brands aren't mentioned. And it makes no difference whether the contestant has seen the programme containing that particular ad break or not. And And And.

I understand the reasons, but I still think it's a missed opportunity.

* It's the Ant and Dec (or is it Dec and Ant) game show where contestants can 'win the ads'.

Friday, 16 November 2007

"Here come the girls"

I'm loving the Boots ad where the office girls glam up ready for the Christmas party.

I Googled it for more info, and found plenty of people wanting to buy the music or the gold dress at 45 seconds.

I bet there will be plenty of people wanted to get gorgeous at Boots too.

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Hoorah for equality!

Men are now depicted either as sex objects or as lazy idiots.

To top it all, Twinings have also stirred up the racist debate with their Tyrone's been fillng us in 'Lady Grey' TV ads.

Despite a few complaints to the ASA, it seems to be working as an ad – at least according to Brand Republic.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

What did Trinny and Susannah do last night?

...when they wanted to communicate their Dress Code for Men in a clear and simple way?

They went to an ad agency, that's what.

Watch them 'spelling it out' for the poor boys.

Download the PDF.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Saturday, 3 November 2007

What the Doctor Smokes

There's a new book by Kate Parker and the Advertising Archives, published by New Holland @ £8.99.

It's certainly going on my Christmas list!

And how did I find out about it? It was featured in a Daily Mail editorial (second best kind of advertising in the world).

Buy it from Amazon.

Don't mess with my memories!

Some advertisers try to hook the adults with a nostalgic advert while hooking the kids with something new.

The Milky Bar Kid has been resurrected to ride through the forest while animal noises sound out the old tune.

Here's the new ad.

And here's an old one.

Note they've lost the iconic slogan "The Milky Bars are on me!" But they've added "All Natural Ingredients".

Sign of the times. There are now restrictions on advertising sweet and fatty things to children.